WMC Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelt
720kW 1053 Amp Hot Gas Fan
GTI Process Controls was contracted to remove the old redundant drive and install and commission a new PDL UE-1300 Ultradrive Elite VVVF Drive, which consisted of two PDL UE-700 Ultradrive Elite VVVF Drives electrically coupled together as a master and slave drive giving a combined capacity of 750kW.
BHP Yandi
Commissioning of two PDL UE-660 Ultradrive Elite VVVF Drives, driving two independent 300kW motors. Drives were set up as a master in speed mode and follower in torque mode to load share between the two drive motors.
Rio Tinto
Commissioning PDL VVVF Drives at Dampier Salt mine. Overland conveyor system and stacker reclaimer. Consisted of multiple load sharing drives on conveyors up to 600kW.
HIsmelt (Operations) Pty Limited
Contracted to commission 36 and 160 Tonne Overhead Cranes. These utilised a 350kW PDL UE-700 Ultradrive Elite VVVF Drive and a 110kW PDL UE-205 Ultradrive Elite VVVF Drive.
CSBP Limited
No 3 and No 4 Overhead Grab Cranes
PDL VVVF Drives were used to the replace existing Siemens Drive on the overhead cranes. These ranged in size from 185kW for the main hoist to 35kW for the cross travel. Drives were commissioned to run in speed and torque mode to give the crane drivers the performance they required.